Four months
Random thoughts on Sam's fourth monthiversary.
- This morning as Sam was nursing, my alarm clock went off and Sam popped her head up with a quizzical and slightly annoyed looked as if to say "what has the audacity to make such an infernal racket as I am dining?". I cracked up.
- I believe Sammy is noticing her hands a bit more - every once in a while I catch her studying them and when they are not in her mouth they are interlaced.
Every week Sam watches her big-boy cousin to find out what the next neat trick is: this week it was banging her hand. She does it whether or not she is clutching a rattle.
- According to "the books", since Sam started out sleeping in our room in a co-sleeper, we were setting ourselves up for a hard time getting her to sleep in her own room. For the last couple of weeks we have moved the co-sleeper farther and farther away from our bed and closer to her room. Last night was her first official night in her nursery - granted she was just on the other side of our door. I'm not convinced she has noticed that we are missing.
- Christmas is right around the corner. I find that very hard to believe.
Sam looks so much older than four months when I see her sitting (granted, with some assistance) up watching her cousin. Congratulations on sleeping in your own room, Sammy! Way to go. Now Mom and Dad can maybe sleep a little sounder - well, no, it seems like at least Mom always hears every noise in the night! But it'll seem more peaceful. Four months old . . . hmmmm . . . seems like just yesterday! Christmas should be fun with all the lights and such.
Actually - in this household it is poor Dad that hears every noise and does a wonderful job of getting up in the middle of the night for Sammy!
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