Happy Belated Two Months Old!

People warned us that time would fly by. It has, and once I go back to work, I can only imagine it will speed by even more quickly. Yesterday, as we were eating breakfast at a restaurant we used to haunt in our pre-marriage days, it dawned on me how far we had come: we have been married for five years (approaching six), we have purchased a house, we both have very flexible work hours, and we have Samantha. Pretty amazing. Even in the last two months we seem to have come a long way: my shoulders no longer crawl (as far) up my neck from stress when Samantha cries (though it helps that she doesn't cry as often...or as loudly as she used to!), when we took Samantha to that party on her 6th day of life we had no clue what to bring - now we are packing the diaper bag like champs, and when her pacifier falls out of her mouth, half the time it is because she is smiling.
Here is Sam with a new friend:

I go back to work in 16 days. I have mixed feelings about this. I am sad about missing time with Samantha, but I am excited to go back to a to-do list that I can control. In anticipation of the limited time, I have taken S's list as inspiration and made some appointments of my own. I have made the following appointments:
- Sam's pediatrician
- David's dentist
- My dentist
- My physical at my new primary physician
- My eye appt
- David's eye appt
- taking my car in
- and drum roll please...my haircut!
Should be busy. But it will also feel good knowing that these things are taken care of for awhile.
Sammy. Today has been a trying day for you, and therefore, for us as well. But I wouldn't trade these last two months in for anything. Happy 2 months! I love you.
Look at those big blue eyes! She is so pretty. I love the first picture of her too. Sometimes all you can do is take a picture. I remember C having a HUGE tantrum (age 3). I had to take a picture much to his dismay! We both laugh at it now (not so funny then).
I understand the feeling about work. I worked full time for the first two, and there was something peaceful about a "to do" list that you can control. Things get done as usual and you know how to deal with the distractions as they come. Samantha will always have that special smile just for you when you see her at home.
It is amazing how much you take and lug around with an infant. I'm glad to see that you are getting the hang of it. There was always something that I was missing that I noticed of course when I needed it. I always thought it was a good idea to have a diaper bag with ALL the essentials that stayed in the car always and then another set of all essentials that stayed home and a small travel bag to take in between. But alas I never got around to it and now it is not necessary (I say with a smile since the last child now knows how to do and undo his seat belt)!
Oh Sammy - I love you too! You are getting cuter and cuter every day! It will be hard going back to work - but somehow, everything will work out just fine. I worked from the time S was two and then again when J was 5 months old until retirement (except for time out to get the degree) - and those two daughters I couldn't be more proud of the kind of person they are!
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