My favorite kind of day

Yesterday was a perfect rut-buster. Our sweet Sammy had a little snack at 5am and then slept until 7. Then she had breakfast and a short nap that lasted for just the right amount of time. We dolled her all up in her outfit and went out to a relatively spontaneous breakfast with Bryan and Tara. I had my favorite bar-room eggs (lemon chicken sausage, green onions, gorgonzola and scrambled eggs...yummm). Samantha was awake and smiling the whole time. When she started making noises I held her and she fell asleep in my arms. Ahhh.
We got home and had a nice quiet mid-morning: a ballgame, crossword puzzles, playing with Sammy once she woke from her nap. Very enjoyable.
In the afternoon we went to a Greek festival at a local orthodox church: the whole church and yard was filled with people, Greek music and fantastic smells from the fantastic food. We stood and ate while Sammy napped in her snugli: pastitso, spanokopita, avgolemono soup, kalamari and, later, baklava and a wonderful calorie-free custard, butter and sugar pastry that I can never remember the name of. Galatabuoro-something or other. We watched awkward adolescents dancing a traditional folkdance (they were great, but I can just imagine the weeks of practicing that led up to it: "mom, I don't want to wear this outfit, mom, I'm sick of dancing, mom, no-one else in school has to do this dumb dancing". I'm glad they kept at it because they were fun to watch!). Then the kindergartners got their chance on the stage - hilarious!
Back home for some more quiet time while we waited for my friend Kim to come over for a visit. She brought the new book lovers edition of Trivial Pursuit. What fun! A Trivial Pursuit game that David didn't automatically run away with! :-) (I'm teasing you David, you know I am envious of your memory...)
All in all it was a fun day.
That first photo is the new "The Picture," replacing the older one (Sam with Grandpa - see post "Sleeping Baby" below), which now becomes "The First The Picture."
The black and whites are great . . . there's is something magical about a black and white photo! What a fun Greek day. Your comments from the kids were perfect! And I've gotta try that omelette - gorgonzola with scrambled eggs . . . onions. . . lemon chicken sausage . . . yummmmmy - it's making me drool!
Does californiagrammy need a burp cloth? We have extras...
That sounds like a wonderful day. I love getting away from the normal routine some days.. being spontaneous etc. Those eggs do sound good and I really don't like eggs but with lemon chicken sausage and gorgonzola cheese, who could go wrong!
The Greek festival sounds like so much fun. I can just picture the kids dancing and that food sounds scrumptious. Especially the avgolemono soup (that is the lemon chicken rice one right?) I love it all. Can you tell I'm hungry?
Alright, enough with the food and on to the adorable baby. She is definitely moving into the real baby stage. No more newborness. I love the black and white photos. She is a doll!! Even when I was a teen, I loved the posters of men holding little babies in black and white. Very endearing.
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