Downhill all the way

David and I took Sam to my company picnic on Sunday. It was nice seeing my coworkers again. We got a bit of a reprieve, since Samantha was so comfortable in Jennifer's arms - we didn't have to rush through those amazing barbecued ribs! Mmmm.
The next night was our "Cousin Night". Janey and I went to a movie while Bob and David watched Monday night football and watched the kids...and hatched a plan. When Janey and I returned we were greeted with "Bob and I are going to play hookey on Wednesday". And this is what they did:
They certainly deserved the break - David has done a great job with Samantha and it can definitely be tiring. I'm glad they got a chance to "get back to nature"!
Last night, Stephanie, Rick and Willow came over to meet Samantha. It is always good to see them, and sadly it doesn't happen often enough. Why is that? It seems that life is trucking along as usual and making time to do anything out of the ordinary ('ordinary' being staying at home, making dinner, watching TV, etc) is FAR too much trouble. It is way too easy to get stuck in that rut - and it was even before Sam was a part of our life. Note to self: make time for friends and the out of the ordinary! That is the joy in life.
OK, as I clamber down from my mental soapbox, I'll let you check out a sweet picture of Sammy in the outfit that Debbie gave her:
Ok, I'm down.
So, the title. Sammy has passed her sixth week, and all the books say that the fitful crying jags "peak" at six weeks. Yesterday was a great day for Sam (and us!). She had a nice long nap in the morning, ate, played, took another nap around noon (while my mom and I walked around the zoo), ate, played, and didn't really nap after that. But...she didn't really cry either. She just kinda hung out, checking out the things around her. When our company came over, she was mellow - just breaking into soft cries a couple of times. She went to bed pretty easily (the second time) and slept all they way until 3:45. So I am hoping that she has climbed to the top of that peak and that it will be downhill all the way.
But...I'm not holding my breath.
Don't forget the awesome quilt Great Aunt Janice made! Smooch!
It sounds like you had so much fun with my mom! That's great! I think that Samantha IS on the downhill stretch. Sleeping until 3:45 is a big deal! I remember when my boys slept from 12-5 -- I called it sleeping through the night. I mean, I hadn't had more than two and a half hour's sleep until then. Yeah happy, sleeping baby! Keep it up!
Great pictures. We had such a nice visit but much too short. I'm so glad for you that Sam has passed the six-week part where the sleeping starts to get "normal" - well as normal as a six-week-old can be! She's such a cutie and you two are doing a great job at parenting! We're in Winchester Bay and only have wi-fi on the pc so I'm having an awful time at getting my own posts uploaded with the pictures, so "my fans" may have to wait . . . tee hee . . . for Life Is Good's Seattle pictures.
I was having a hard time posting the pictures too - they would say "uploading..." and then the 'Done' window would be blank (no done button) and there would be no picture. I had to upload each one about 4 times to get them actually uploaded.
BTW - another great night: 9-4!! And then up at 6:30, all smiley. I fed her at 7 and she was sleeping again by 7:15. Yeah Sammy!
Nine to Four ...awesome...that certainly could be called a good night's sleep ...that's seven whole hours- yippee! Go Samantha Clare!
Woohoo! 9-4 is AWESOME :> Good job, keep it up!
By the way, I've been having a hard time uploading pics too! I hope blogger gets it fixed 'cause I'm not always too patient.
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