Saturday, August 06, 2005

The I word...

Well - it has been an interesting couple of days. Yesterday we went in for our second "post-date" appointment. Every four or so days after the due date has passed, the doctors want to see a nonstress test for the baby to make sure that she is still comfortable and tolerating womb-life. Our first appointment had been very reassuring. Yesterday's not so much. Unfortunately my doctor was on-call, so when she came in to give me my exam (again, no change. grr.) she had just introduced the topic of induction when she got paged to deliver a baby.

I was put on the external monitor, and there I sat for close to an hour. Samantha was obviously very comfortable since she was asleep most of the time, and I had no contractions to speak of. When my doctor came back (fast delivery!) she didn't see enough of a reaction, and saw a couple of decels (I guess where the heart-rate dips down) so she wanted me to have another appointment Saturday the hospital since the office was closed.

So. We also discussed induction and she set up an appointment for me for next Wednesday (the 10th) since that is the day she is on-call. I didn't feel very good about that. I really don't want to be induced. I guess I just figure that my body knows best, but I didn't feel I was able to stand up to the medical authority. I left feeling very frustrated.

But, my parents were champs. They invited David and me over for dinner: we had barbequed salmon on the patio and then played pegs and jokers (we thought of you guys, Californiagrammy!!) and got our minds off the whole thing for awhile.

That night it seemed like every time I woke up I had mild cramps. We got ourselves ready for the appointment (including going through and bringing our hospital bag just in case they didn't like what they saw). We got to the hospital and got strapped onto the monitor. Again, we were there for about an hour. The monitor kept shorting out and we would lose the heartrate, or the uterine movement rate, but apparently they got enough of a reading to think that everything was ok with Samantha. There were no decels; I had short, sharp contractions that she reacted to; we got the green light to go home.

So here we are. We are crossing our fingers that things will progress naturally before Wednesday. I go into the hospital again on Tuesday to get Misoproxil (or something like that - a medication to help ripen the cervix) and another nonstress test. My doctor said 30% of the time the Miso will bring on labor. Regardless of how things progress, come Wednesday night or Thursday, little Samantha should be in our arms!

Thank you all for your words of encouragment and support - you guys are great! :-)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well you guys, it sounds like it will be any time now. I hope suddenly your water will just pop like mine did the first time, and you can be driven to the hospital with a towel! Good luck, and keep up the labor-inducing tricks.


9:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, there. This is your auntie Patti--finally getting a chance to look & write.
Here's a song for you to sing to Samantha that may help (ha!)
Come out, come out, come out dear Samantha, come out, come out! repeat ending with one "come out!!!) I'm praying for you both. Relax, & enjoy the last day of free arms & little laundry!! :-) I love you.

8:49 AM  
Blogger CaliforniaGrammy said...

Here's to a ripe uterus before Wednesday! Hang in there . . . Samantha will be here real soon. And here's to Pegs and Jokers to keep your mind off things. I'll have to relay that one to our RV friends . . . don't think I've ever heard of playing P&J for that reason! Who won? Love you all lots and lots!

8:55 AM  
Blogger CaliforniaGrammy said...

P.S. I meant . . . Here's to a ripe CERVIX not uterus . . . I'm sure you're uterus is quite ripe by now!

8:56 AM  
Blogger Middle America Mom said...

Good luck, Steph. I don't know how to birth babies without being induced! M has always said that we need to get pregnant again so that he can experience my saying, "Honey, I think it's time." But, that's not gonna happen. We're done. As you know, I was in labor FOREVER with R, but he was induced three weeks early. T, on the other hand, was induced 9 days late -- and he only took six hours to come out! Not bad at all. May your labor be as easy as T's was :>

7:56 PM  

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