You Want Graphic?
Howdy. This is David, one half of the team, SeattleS. I will be distinguished in future posts and comments by my unique RED COURIER FONT.
This will be the first post I've ever made to a blog. Wow! Does this bring me into the 21st Century?
Below, for your graphic viewing pleasure, a sonogram of Sam's profile at 27 weeks. As of today, she's nearly 38 weeks. Our latest sonogram was 2 weeks ago, and she was so big we couldn't get any full body shots. I mean, I like looking at her knee, but I'm going to make the assumption that her knee lacks mass media appeal right now. Perhaps, in 18 years or so, when she's a world-famous tennis star or teen idol, a knee shot might be of some public interest, but for now, feast your eyes on that cute 27-week-old schnoz and those pouty little lips!
I'm having a wonderful time reading all your comments. I think I'm getting Blog Fever!
This will be the first post I've ever made to a blog. Wow! Does this bring me into the 21st Century?
Below, for your graphic viewing pleasure, a sonogram of Sam's profile at 27 weeks. As of today, she's nearly 38 weeks. Our latest sonogram was 2 weeks ago, and she was so big we couldn't get any full body shots. I mean, I like looking at her knee, but I'm going to make the assumption that her knee lacks mass media appeal right now. Perhaps, in 18 years or so, when she's a world-famous tennis star or teen idol, a knee shot might be of some public interest, but for now, feast your eyes on that cute 27-week-old schnoz and those pouty little lips!
I'm having a wonderful time reading all your comments. I think I'm getting Blog Fever!

David -
You took me back to my final ultrasounds with "Squirt" (the name we called R when he was inutero) and "SweetPea" (T's inutero's name). They were so HUGE at the end that we couldn't see much at all during the ultrasound. I went to those ultrasounds thinking that I'd see the same cute, adorable baby that I saw at 20 weeks, but more filled out. Nope. I saw a kneee or a forehead or some other appendage. I'm glad you're bloggin' too. It will be good to hear from the dad's point of view.
Thanks for the graphic! That little schnoz looks like her nextdoor grammy! What fun to have you join the blogging bunch - and I like the red courier font you've chosen - however it is unique in today's font world! See you guys soon! - well that depends on Sam!
What a beautiful profile! She is darling. I love the ultrasound pictures. We were able to do a 3D'ish one with the middle kid and that was really amazing. It truly could be any day now. I can't wait to hear the developments. Kalynn came at 37 weeks and J.D. came at 38 weeks and C.D. came at 35 weeks but we don't have to worry about that with Sam.
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