Happy Birthday, Washington
We have had a glorious time these last couple of weeks. Two weekends ago, Sam, David and I packed up all of our paperwork, taxes and files and went to Orcas Island for our "Executive Retreat". Though our weekend was filled with going through massive piles of paper and old bills,

Here she is showing off her two teeth. Look closely!
This last weekend we went to the beach to visit David's mom and dad. His sister and family also went. Grandma was so pleased to have her most recent grandkids around for a long weekend! Sammy's cousin is amazing: sitting up, crawling and pulling himself up into a standing position. It has only been a couple of weeks since we had "cousin day", but he has certainly learned a bunch of new things in those few days!
I think the highlight of the weekend for Sammy was taking a bath with her cousin and aunt. Of course she relished the paparazzi as we all cooed and laughed at their splashing.
I have had an exciting development in my professional life. A couple of years ago the company that I had been working at for 5 years was acquired by a much bigger company. I hung with this new, bigger company for two years and watched as many of my old colleagues left to "pursue other challenges" (how's that for jargon, S?). Two of those colleagues started their own consulting firm. So, last week, I left the larger company to go work with my ex-coworkers! (Which makes them my coworkers once again, I guess.) I am very excited to be working with them again. I jumped right in and started taking calls on my first day - so much for the honeymoon period. :-)
David and I have felt a sense of rejuvenation since our retreat. We have re-established our budget and set aside a couple of hours a week to take care of items on our ever-so-long to-do list. You know, all those things that are not imperative, but contribute to the feeling of guilt or doom or burden or whatever you want to call it. All in all, even though the house is in shambles due to our long weekend, we're feeling pretty good.
Here are a couple of shots. The family one was taken via timer while we were waiting for the ferry. The other was taken from a lookout on (I want to say, but I'm not entirely sure of the name...) Mt. Constitution.
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Hello, hello, hello my sweet cuzzie!
What could you possibly mean by "where have I been... oh yeah.. I guess that it has been a few months.. yikes" I could say that my fingers were all broken from some bizarre accident but that wouldn't be very truthful now would it.
I truly love reading all of the updates and pictures. All of that paperwork looks pretty scarey. But such organized piles.. I'm impressed. It actually reminded me of a picture of when J was little (approx: 13 months) and we thought he was taking a nap at P's grandmas house (in her office). When we went in to check on him he had managed to throw all of her piles of papers all around the office (crumpled quite a few as well). When I saw your nice neat piles.. I couldn't help but smile on that memory.
How is the teething process going? Someone has shared the Hylands Teething Tablets necessity with you haven't they? She looks very proud of those teeth.
I LOVE the family picture. I can't help but wonder what Sam is looking at. Someone forgot to give her the memo on the location of the camera.. hee hee.
Your beautiful skin still amazes me. It always has ever since we were young. Especially as I stare at the blemishes reflecting off this computer screen. :)
Thanks again for the update. I promise to getting around to an update real soon.
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Hey Cuzzie! I love the idea of your executive retreat. I know that great "we have it together" feeling of re-establishing a budget and having a plan for the house, chores, and even fun stuff. Good going. Your new job sounds great -- jargon and all :> Hey, is Sammy's hair red now? It looks red in some of the pictures.
What a fun retreat you planned for yourselves. It always feels good to regroup your thoughts and plans for the future, because they can change from year to year.
Great pictures . . . we especially like the one of David and Sam, adorable and priceless shot. Of course, the family picture is great too . . . why didn't I think of that concept when I was a young mom? We have SO MANY pictures of K and the girls . . .
Okay! It's time for an update . . . been over a month . . . Sam probably has a whole mouthful of teeth . . . more pictures please! Hope your weekend is peaceful and fun.
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