Hi, all of you out in cyberland. Hope you are all doing well. Our little family is achy, drippy, feverish and the littlest one is teething (Her fourth top tooth is coming in, for a grand total of 6 teeth!) It looks to be a fun-filled weekend.
But...there is no reason we can't share some more pictures:

But...there is no reason we can't share some more pictures:

Here she is "buzzing" her lips. Top on her list of favorite things to do.
A close up as she grabbed the camera strap.
So sorry you guys aren't up to par. Just hope the teething in addition to your yuckiness doesn't spoil the next couple of days. Little Sam . . . my gosh, she's beautiful . . . more adorable all the time. There's nothing more amazing than a baby's peaches n'cream complexion—so flawless—and perfect. Sure would be nice to hang on to some of that as we age!
I hope you're all feeling better now! Nothing worse than when everybody gets sick. Any cute Easter pictures to share???
What absolutely cute pictures. She is a doll. It is so cute to see you so happy with a lil' baby sitting on your shoulders.
I'm sorry your not feeling well. There is nothing like not feeling well, wanting to snuggle in blankets and sleep all day and having a very active baby looking at you as if saying "uh yeah.. I don't think so!"
Hope you are all better soon.
Okay . . . three weeks is about all I can stand not having an update! Hope you're all mended physically and have some stories to share . . . please!
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