Quick thoughts and random pictures
I've got this bottle thing DOWN!
Her grandpa next door has taught her that if she holds her arm straight up, he will lift her up to touch the light fixture. She loves it. First thing in the morning when I get her up from bed, she is up with her arm out, ready to touch the things she has seen from the crib with a huge grin on her face.

I'm cute and I know it.
She has discovered music. We put the stereo jukebox on random (there are 101 discs) and as soon as the piece finishes playing, she looks to the stereo, waiting to hear what the next piece will be. Music with a latin flair are her favorites: so Gypsy Kings, Kepa Junkera, Buena Vista Social Club. She'll start bouncing to the music. It's priceless. Of course, I tried to record her doing this routine and she just cried because I wouldn't pick her up to dance! Oh well, next time.
What a handful!
One new trick that is NOT priceless is grinding her teeth - all six of them. This has been the second day and I am trying very hard to ignore it, but how can I ignore such a viscerally grating sound?!

I love the reflection in the faucet!
Last Saturday we went to the Kubota Gardens. (A preview of the upcoming trip to Butchart Gardens this weekend!) What a nice, relaxing, surprisingly empty place! Here we are in the Japanese Garden:
I've never thought of my memory as an abyss but that is exactly what it seems to be! Thanks for these pictures. Sam is changing so fast . . . I love the one of her at the sink faucet checking out her reflection! And bouncing to the music . . . can't wait to see that one!
I loved the day when they can hold their own bottle... Miss Independent!.. I can just picture her holding up her arm with expectations of being lifted to fulfill her touching need. This is such a fun age! Thanks for sharing. I also loved the reflection picture. I wouldn't have even known to look there if you didn't point it out.
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