Wednesday, May 21, 2008


For heaven's sake! Mid-May already. Where does the time go?
We have been having a grand time in the McBryder household. Sammy has been providing us with much entertainment: she is such a sunny child. April and May were filled with days at the co-op interspersed with family outings.
Here is Sammy painting at pre-school.
Sammy and two of her cousins at Tristan's 1st birthday party. They are getting so big!
Sammy has been talking up a storm. Her pronunciation is coming along - but it has been hilarious in the meantime! Jump is 'gump'; Grandpa Jack is 'grampa yak'; her p's are pronounced b's and her tr's were pronounced 'f': which made us all snicker when she became interested in dumptrucks!
We have our first recognizable piece of artwork!
The binkie has been gone for a couple of months now, and the toddler bed is the place to be - usually. I find myself being impressed with how well Sammy stays in her bed - reading books, chattering to herself and her dolls, and then a few days will pop up where she doesn't want to stay in bed at all. The days fluctuate - which I suppose could be the definition of toddler-hood.
We have weathered a few crabby, sicko, rebellious days lately, which is forcing us to re-group and figure out how we are going to work with this new stage. Luckily, David and I are usually on the same page when it comes to disciplining.

Wearing her 'My Dad Rocks!' t-shirt and 'gumping' on the mattress at pre-school.

In other news, May first we shaved our cat RC. She is (was) a long-haired cat that *hates* getting brushed. She will not tolerate it! So, she gets these dred-ful (pun intended) mats in her fur. Say hello to our new lion-cat:

Homer is still good ole Homer.

My husband pulled out all the stops for Mother's day - I am going to Breitenbush in a week for a four day weekend. Now, Breitenbush is a fantastic hot springs resort that serves organic vegetarian food, and has massages and yoga. My card said, 'no husband, no kids, no worries'. Heavenly. How am I ever going to come close to that at Father's day? Sadly, I will be leaving that night travelling for 6 days for work. So I guess his card will read 'no wife'. Not quite the same, eh?

Cute story: one of those days where Sammy wasn't staying in be for nap-time, I had had it. I told her that even if she wasn't going to sleep she needed to stay upstairs and stay quiet for awhile. Scratch that - *I* needed her to stay upstairs and stay quiet. I was downstairs and eating some nachos at the dining room table while reading. Sammy came halfway down the stairs and sat above the gate and wanted to talk: "Watcha doing?" "I'm reading Sam. Go back upstairs and have some quiet time." pause. "Mama - I think your eating." I paused, trying to chew my mouthful silently. "What makes you say that Sammy?" "I can see you in the picture!" At the bottom of the stairs is a picture and sure enough, I went over and saw the dining room table reflected in the glass. I busted up laughing - she had caught me red-handed!

And that about wraps up this post - sorry for the delay everyone!


Blogger CaliforniaGrammy said...

Hip Hip Hooray . . . another McBryder post! This post kept me giggling all the way through— it was so full of good stuff I had to read it twice so I wouldn't miss a thing. The cousins are all growing up so fast. And I love thinking about Sam's dumptruck pronunciation. And you've got to frame that lovely recognizable piece of artwork. It's gonna be valuable when she produces prize-winning paintings someday.

I remember when my girls were at napping age and they didn't want to sleep. I would tell them "you don't have to sleep but you do have to lay quietly in your bed" and they thought they were getting away without having to take a nap. Invariably they'd fall asleep, and when they'd wake up I would say "Okay, you can get up now" and they would still think they had pulled one off!

Your Mother's Day gift sounds perfectly delightful...way to go David!

Thanks for the update on the McBryders. Of course you must know I check in on you all the time and I'm ecstatic when there's a new post to read.

8:28 AM  
Blogger CaliforniaGrammy said...

Oh poooooooor RC! I'm wondering if you start brushing her now and did it every day she'd start liking the attention she gets and you wouldn't have to put her through this embarrassing stage ever again . . . poooooooor RC!

8:20 AM  
Blogger jennavar said...

Geez louise, how did she get sooo big. I can't believe how time flies. I LOVE all of of the stories and pictures. It sure makes me want to drive up and visit! That Mother's Day present sounds awesome. I'm jealous!

9:44 AM  
Blogger Middle America Mom said...

What a big girl! I love your stories too -- I like your long posts. Thanks for keeping all of us in the loop.

That Mother's Day present, wow! I'd love that! Maybe you can make it up to him for Father's day after you get back home from your trip.

5:19 PM  
Blogger cajunken1949 said...

Ken Lamury looking for relatives of Louis McBRYDER from the 1920s &1930s. He had 3 boys & 1 girl by a previous marriage. Married Elsie Emma KILPATRICK in 1927 and had another daughter who is my Mom.

3:45 PM  

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