New Years Resolution

So, I did not make a resolution to blog more frequently...obviously!
Just a quick one today. I always enjoy my evening ritual with Sammy. We get ready for bed (potty, brush teeth, pjs on, etc), and then go upstairs and read a couple of books and then sit for a couple of minutes. A few weeks ago I sang the "I love my Sammy Sam Sam" song and now she wants to hear it every night. It's a very sweet and satisfying end to the day.
It has been fascinating watching the progression of the books Sammy wants me to read: in the beginning was Goodnight Moon, and then we went through a series of board books. A few favorites that stand out are The Foot Book, It's Time for Bed, Bear Snores On, Kika, Do You Love Me?, Are You My Mother, Marvelous Moms, Miss Spider. But lately it has been Mother Goose - the original. I can't believe some of the poems! I grew up on those things??
Here's a pic from Christmas. Sammy got this cute hat from Cousin Debbie. You can see that she had a bit of a cold on Christmas...

So was your New Years Resolution NOT to make one? TeeHee
Glad you came back and caught us up on some of Sammy's life. It sounds like you got the potty training down, too. Way to go!
She's just growing up so darn fast, and is still as adorable as always!
Happy New Year to the McBryders!
Okay . . . something happened in some part of the month of February . . . and you forgot to tell us! Hellooooo! YouWhoooooo!
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