Follow up
I got such a great response to my lasst post that I thought I'd follow it up! :-)
First off - here is a much belated Christmas photo from the first of three family get togethers we had:
Holding *four* squirmy little kiddos was quite a challenge. I'm not sure any of the paparazzi was able to get a suitable shot. It quickly devolved into this:
Sam looked like she was thinking "Hey what's the problem? Check out all of the attention we're getting? Oh! Did I say "we", I mean all the attenion I'M getting!" Quite the little Leo we have!
BTW - the pink rocking unicorn in the last blog was a gift from Uncle Tony and Cool Aunt Stacey. (That is her complete title). It was the hit of Christmas night!
My job: yep, it is computer related. I am on the internal information system team of a coffee roasting company (read - I work in the computer department). This company has been a client of the consulting companies I worked for and one of my consulting co-workers left to work at this place. He has loved it and it has grown so much that they needed another person that could support the accounting package, do internal reporting, configure an intranet, etc etc. That person is me! I really enjoy it so far.
We went to the Children's Museum this weekend and had a blast - with the bazillion other kids that were also there! What a cool place: they have little grocery stores and houses fashioned after housing in the Phillipines, Japan, Nigeria, etc. Very cool. Plus a "Cog City" where kids can play with blocks and gears, and "Imagination Workstation" where they can do crafts, and various guests: awhile ago it was a big room set up for Clifford the dog, this time it was Bob the Builder. We've got a membership to it and now that Sammy can walk from place to place I think we'll be going more often! But the big draw was this:
And the picture for the road:
Check out these Sock Monkey pajamas. Our dear friend Laurie gave them to Sammy. I love them!
Take care.
Your new job sounds perfect for you . . . and Mmmmmmmmmm, I can smell the coffee beans roasting as I type! Do you get free samples? Pictures are worth a thousand words, indeed. I love the teeth-brushing picture and the sock-monkey jammies, it really shows how much of a kid she's growing up to be. Thanks SeattleS, keep'em coming! Have a great week.
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