I know! Too long!
Quick - here is a picture:

This was our mini retreat on Orcas Island. We have been trying to have an annual retreat where we do oh-so-fun things like taxes, preparing budgets, clearing out files, etc.
Can you believe I haven't even put Christmas photos up on the blog? Here's another:

Our Christmas visit at the Foss home. This is a great picture of Grandma. Lately she is not very animated, or even fully sure of who it is that is visiting her. So, I love this picture.
We have had quite an adjustment in our little household: I have gone back to work full time at a new company! I am very excited about it - I have gotten out of consulting and I love how much more I am learning at this new place. But it has been hard. I have been working part-time for about 4 years and that has been so wonderful to spend 4 days in a row with Sammy. I mean, sheesh:
It's awfully hard to leave this little one . So I end up leaving before she wakes up so I can have more time with her when I get home.
David has taken on his role as full time Mr. Dad stupendously! It really seems like he and Sam are having a fun time together. Plus I come home to dinner on the table! Amazing!
Sam is walking like a champ and picking up more and more words. She's quite the little helper too:
She loves helping Dad clean up and wash dishes.
And one last picture for the road. It's kinda sad - we had about 80 pictures on our camera that we hadn't uploaded since the last blog post and about a third of them are completely fuzzy because we had a wrong setting on our camera - and we couldn't tell until we saw the photos on the computer. :-( But I do like this one. Sammy is getting so big!
Great photos! Thanks for the update!
Is your new job computer related?
Sam is sure growing fast. I'm glad that you are enjoying her so much. She is a real gift.
Oh my gosh, Sam is getting so "kid-looking!" Congratulations on your new job, what are you doing? Email us if you find time! I love the picture you took of Gramma, but so sorry she's just not herself anymore. This picture you will cherish forever. Thanks for catching us up with your life. Kudos to David for dinner on the table. Keep up the good work, David. I know that means alot to Steph!
What an adorable little girl Sammy is turning into. She's always been an adorable baby -- but she's looking so grown-up these days! I love the picture with Great Gramma Ryder too -- she looks so bright-eyed and happy. Thanks for the update, I've been checking your blog everyday since FOREVER and have missed you!!!
I forgot to congratulate David on being a stay-at-home dad! Way to go David! M has been doing it for almost 8 years now and is doing a great job. Speaking of jobs, Steph, what is your new job?
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